The Ultimate Guide to Deep Cleaning Your Fridge: Step-by-Step Process

Are you tired of opening your fridge to a mess of expired food, sticky spills, and unpleasant odors? It’s time for a deep clean!

A well-organized and sanitized fridge not only looks better but also keeps your food fresher for longer. But where do you even begin?

Fear not! Our ultimate guide will take you through every step of the process so that you can have a sparkling-clean fridge in no time. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and say goodbye to those mystery stains once and for all. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Gather Supplies Needed

To deep clean your fridge, you must first gather the supplies needed. These supplies may include gloves, a sponge, dish soap, baking soda, white vinegar, a curved spatula, and a toothbrush.

Additionally, if you have any shelves or drawers that need removal, make sure to have a container available to place them in. When gathering these items, ensure that they are all food-safe, non-toxic, and odor-free.

Also, think about your work area before beginning. Make sure to clear out a space to have all the supplies and food readily available. Having the necessary supplies and a designated workspace will make deep cleaning your fridge a much easier and more efficient process.

Step 2: Empty and Unplug the Fridge

If your fridge is anything like ours, it’s full of food and who knows how old some of it is? The first step to deep cleaning your fridge is to empty it.

Take everything out, including the shelves and drawers, and give them a good wipe-down. Don’t forget to unplug the fridge before you start cleaning!

Step 3: Remove and Clean Drawers, Shelves, and Bins

Removing and cleaning drawer shelves and bins is a critical step in deep cleaning your fridge. First, remove shelves and bins from the fridge and then run them through the dishwasher or clean them with warm soapy water and a scouring cloth.

If needed, you can use a natural cleanser such as baking soda and vinegar to remove stubborn stains and odors. After cleaning, you want to thoroughly rinse and completely dry all components before returning them to the fridge.

Next, if you can, line your shelves and bins with wax paper, aluminum foil, or cling wrap. This will help protect them from moisture, odors, and possible spills.

Finally, if your refrigerator has adjustable shelves be sure to return them to their original position before placing all bins and shelves back in the refrigerator. With these steps, you can easily deep clean your fridge and keep it smelling fresh and clean.

Step 4: Clean the Interior Walls

Before you start cleaning the interior walls of your fridge, make sure to unplug it and empty it completely. Once it’s empty, remove any shelves or drawers that are inside. If your fridge has a built-in water and ice dispenser, be sure to disconnect the water line before starting the cleaning process.

To clean the interior walls of your fridge, start by wiping down all surfaces with a damp cloth. If there are any stubborn stains, you can use a mild bleach solution to help remove them. Once you’ve wiped down all the surfaces, be sure to rinse them off with clean water.

Step 5: Replace Drawers, Shelves, and Bins in the Fridge as Needed

Replacing drawers, shelves, and bins in the fridge should be considered as part of your deep-cleaning process. Start by assessing the condition of the drawers and shelves. If they look worn or cracked, it’s time to replace them.

Look to replace like for like, for example, a glass shelf for a glass shelf, and make sure the new drawers and shelves fit the fridge. It’s essential to use the correct tools, such as a screwdriver, to disassemble the old shelf and drawer and install the new one. Using the correct tools will help to avoid damaging components of the fridge in the process.

It’s also essential to wipe away any dust, dirt, and debris from the excess parts left over from the old drawers and shelves before going ahead with the replacements. Once the replacements are fitted, you then have to cover any gaps and corner seams with insulation foam to stop cold air leakage.

Step 6: Reassemble and Plug-In Refrigerator

Last but not least, once you’ve gone through all the cleaning steps, it’s time to reassemble and plug in your fridge. Start by replacing all the drawers and shelves, taking care not to damage any of the items inside.

Next, reinstall the lower panel and plug in your fridge. Make sure to verify that the electricity is working by checking to see if the light is on.

Lastly, give the door handle a good clean and make sure the doors can open and close properly. And that’s it! You can now bask in the joy of a cleaner, neater, and hopefully cooler fridge.

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